2025/01/25 9

(p.66)Mom makes up her mind

Man, I should have known there was a catch when Mom gave me that costume.이런, 엄마가 해적 의상을 줄 때 숨은 의도가 있다는 걸 알았어야 했다.I told Mom there was no WAY we were taking Manny with us, because we were going to hit 152 house in three hours. 나는 절대 매니를 데리고 갈 수 없다고 말했다. 우리는 세 시간 동안 152군데 집을 돌아야 하니까.And plus, we were going to be on Snake Road, which is way too dangerous for a little kid like Manny.게다가, 우리는 '스네이크 로..

(p.65)Rowley started to head out.

She cut out a big hole in th front of the helmet so he could see better, and covered him up in all this reflecitve tape.라일리의 엄마는 헬멧 앞에 큰 구멍을 파서 라일리가 더잘 보이게 했고, 반사테이프를 라일리 몸에 전부 붙였다. She made him wear his winter coat underneath everything, and she replaced his sword with a glow stick.라일리의 엄마는 의상 안에 겨울 코트를 입히고, 칼 대신 야광 봉으로 대체해줬다.I grabbed my pillowcase, and me and Rowley started to head out. 나는 나..

(p.64)we were supposed to start trick-or-treating

HalloweenAbout an hour before we were supposed to start trick-or-treating, I still didn't have a costume. 사탕 받으러 나가기로 한 1시간 전까지도, 여전히 나는 의상이 없었다.At that point I was seriously thinking about going as a cowboy for the second year in a row그 때 나는 2년 연속 카우보이 차림으로 나갈지 진지하게 고민했다. But then Mom knocked at my door and handed me a pirate costume, with an eye patch and a hook and everything.그러나 그 때 엄마가 내 방을..

(p.63)I've come up with a plan

In the past few years, the grown-ups in my neighborhood have been getting cranky about my lame costumes, and I'm starting to think it's actually having an effect on the amount of candy I'm bring in.지난 몇 년 사이에, 우리 동네 어른들은 내 변변찮은 할로윈 의상을 짜증스러어하고 있었다.내 할로윈 의상이 내가 받는 사탕의 양에 실제로 영향을 미치고 있다는 생각이 들기 시작했다."WHAT'RE YOU SUPPOSED TO BE?""A COWBOY."But I don't really have time to put together a good costume..

(p.62)I've never had a store-bought costume before.

His knight outfit came with a helmet and a shield and a real sword and EVERYTHING.그의 기사 복장은 헬멧, 방패, 진짜 칼, 모든 것이 다 있었다.I've never had a store-bought costume before. 나는 가게에서 파는 할로윈 의상은 가져본 적이 없다.I still haven't figured out what I'm gonna go as something together at the last minute. 나는 아직도 내일 밤에 뭘 입을지 생각나지 않는다. 막판에 되는 대로 입게 될 것이다.I figure maybe I'll bring back the Toilet Paper Mummy again.난 이번에도 화장..

(p.61)to be honest with you

I did my best to keep up with what was going on the screen, but to be honest with you, I'm not sure if Rowley was getting the full effect.나는 라일리한테 스크린에서 어떤 일이 벌어지는 지 빠짐없이 들려주려고 최선을 다했지만 솔직히 말해서 라일리가 다 파악되었는지는 모르겠다. "I BET THIS PART IS GONNA BE FUNNY.""WHUP! HA HA! I WAS RIGHT! IT WAS FUNNY."Tuesday목요일Well, Rowley's grounding is finally over, and just in time for Halloween, too. 음, 드이어 라일리의 외출금지가..

(p.60)I tried to make it up to him.

Sunday일요일Rowley ended up getting grounded for that whole haunted house mess yesterday. 어제 유령의 집 사고로 라일리는 결국 외출금지 당했다. He's not allowed to watch TV for a week, AND he's not allowed to have me over at his house during that time.라일리는 일주일 동안 TV도 못보게 됐고, 그 동안 나를 집에 초대하는 것도 안된다.That last part really isn't fair, because that's punishing me, and I didn't even do anything wrong. 마지막 부분은 정말 공평하지 않다. 왜냐하면 ..

(p.58)Rowley's dad wasn't really in a helpful mood.

But Rowley's dad wasn't really in a helpful mood.하지만 라일리의 아빠는 우리를 도와주는 분위기가 아니었다.Rowley's dad wanted to know what we were doing, and why Shane Snella was curled up under the bed.라일리의 아빠는 우리가 무얼 하는지, 왜 Shane Snella가 침대 밑에서 구부리고 있는지 알고 싶어했다.We told him that the vasement was a haunted house, and that Shane Snella actually PAID for us to do this to him. But Rowley's dad didn't believe us.우리는 지하실이 유..

(p.59)we cleared two buks today.

I tried to show Rowley's dad our original plan to prove that we really were running a legitimate operation, but he still didn't seem convinced.나는 우리가 유령의 집을 합법적으로 운영하고 있다는 것을 증명하기 위해서 우리의 원래 계획을 보여주려고 애썼다. 하지만 라일리의 아빠는 여전히 납득되지 않은 듯 했다.And to make a long story short, that was the end of our haunted house.간단히 말해서, 그것이 우리 유령의 집의 끝이었다.The good news is, since Rowley's dad didn't believe us, he didn'..