2025/02/13 3

(p.81)Mr Underwood singled me out

Mr Underwood started asking for volunteers so he could demonstrate some wrestling holds, but there was no way I was going to raise my hand.언더우드 선생님은 레슬링 붙잡기 기술 몇 가지를 시범으로 보여 주겠다며, 지원자들을 찾기 시작했지만 내가 손을 들리 없다.Me and Rowley tried to hide out in the back of the gym near the curtain, but that's where the girls were doing their gymnastics unit.나와 라일리는 체육관 뒤 커튼 근처에 숨으려고 했지만, 거기에는 체조수업을 하는 여자아이들이 있었다.We..

(p.80)First of all, we have to wear these things called "singlets

Thursday목요일Well, I found out today that the kind of wrestling Mr Underwood is teaching is COMPLETELY different from the kind they do on TV.음, 나는 오늘 언더우드 선생님이 가르치는 레슬링이 TV에 나오는 레슬링 하고 완전히 다르다는 것을 알았다. First of all, we have to wear these things called "singlets, which look like those bathing suits they used to wear in the 1800s.무엇보다, 우리는 'singlet'이라고 불리는 것을 입어야 한다. 이 옷은 1800년대에 입었던 수영복처럼 보인다.And s..

(p.79)it was all over for Preston.

Then again, I better make sure I don't do TOO good. 다시 생각해보니, 내가 너무 잘하지 않는 것이 더 좋겠다.This kid named Preston Mudd got named Athlete of the Month for being the best player in the basketball unit, so they put his picture up in the hallway.프레스톤 머드라는 아이가 농구를 가장 잘 하는 최고의 선수, '이 달의 운동선수'라고 명명하게 되어, 그 아이 사진이 복도에 붙었다.It took people about five seconds to realize how "P. Mudd" sounded when you said it out l..