2025/01/19 8

(p.46)I was running for student government

I told Dad that I was running for student government, and he seemed pretty excited. 학생회 선거에 나간다고 아빠한테 말했더니 아빠는 꽤 신이나 보였다.It turns out he ran for student government when he was my age, and he actually won.알고 보니, 아빠도 내 나이 때 학생회 선거에 나가서 당선된 적이 있다고 한다. Dad dug through some old boxes in the basement and found one of his campaign posters.아빠는 지하실의 오래된 박스들을 파헤치더니 그의 캠페인 포스터를 찾았다.INTEGRITY진실성HONESTY정직KN..

(P.45)Treasurer job is pretty much mine for the taking.

And even better...그리고 이 보다 더 좋은 건...WE JOCKS JUST NEED AND AIR PUMP TO INFLATE OUR ONLY FOOTBALL.우리는 단지 운동과 축구공을 부풀리기 위한 공기 펌프가 필요하다.YEAHHHH....SORRY. CAN'T HELP YOU WITH THAT.미안하지만 그 일로는 도와줄 수가 없겠어.Nobody ever thinks about running for Treasurer, because all anyone ever cares about are the big-ticket positions like President and Vice President.아무도 회계담당자로 출마할 생각은 없어보인다. 모두 회장이나 부회장 같은 비싼 자리에만 관심이..

(p.44)To be honest with you, I've never had any interest in student government.

Thursday목요일At school today, they announced that student government eclections are coming up. 오늘 학교에서 곧 학생회 선거를 할 거라는 발표가 났다.To be honest with you, I've never had any interest in student government. 솔직히 말해서, 난 학생회에 조금도 관심이 없었다.But when I started thinking about it, I realized getting elected Treasurer could TOTALLY change my situation at school.그러나 그것에 대해서 생각을 해보니, 회계 담당자로 뽑히면 학교에서 내 지위가 완전히 바뀔 것..

(p.43)that's all it takes.

Wednesday수요일I'm still grounded from playing video games, so Manny has been using my system. 나는 여전히 비디오게임 금지 중이고, 매니는 내 게임기를 사용하고 있다.Mom went out and bought a whole bunch of educational video games, and watching Manny play them is like torture.엄마는 나가서 교육용 비디오게임을 엄청 사왔다. 그리고 매니가 그걸 가지고 노는 걸 지켜보는 건 고문과 같다.WHAT NUMBER COMES AFTER TWO AND RHYMES WITH "TREE"?2 뒤에 오고, 'tree'와 리듬이 비슷한 수는?THREE!THREE!The..

(p.42)Did it make you more popular at school?

Rodrik's punishment was that he had to answer a bunch of questions Mom had written out for him.로드릭의 벌은 엄마가 써 준 많은 질문에 대답하는 것이다.Did owning this magazine make you a better person?이 잡지를 가지고 있어서 더 나은 사람이 되었나요?==>NoDid it make you more popular at school?학교에서 더 인기있는 사람이 되었나요?==>NoHow do you feel about having owned this type of magazine now?이런 잡지를 갖고 있어서 지금 기분이 어때요?==>I feel ashamed.창피해요.Do you have an..

(p.41)it honestly wasn't anything to get workded up over.

Monday월요일This video game ban is a whole lot tougher than I thought it would be. 비디오게임금지는 내가 생각했던 것보다 훨씬 더 힘들다. But at least I'm not the only one in the family who's in trouble.그러나 적어도 혼나는 건 나 혼자만이 아니라는 것이다.Rodrick's in some hot water with Mom right now, too. 로드릭도 당장 엄마한테 야단 맞을 게 있다.Manny got hold of one of Rodrick's heavy metal magazines, and one of the pages had a picture of a woman in a bikini..

(p.40)she lays it on you

And while you're waiting, you do all these nice things to try to get off easier.그리고 엄마의 벌을 기다리는 동안, 가벼운 꾸지람으로 끝내려고 온갖 좋은 일들을 한다.I JUST DUSTED THE DINING ROOM FOR THE HECK OF IT!그냥 심심해서 식당 먼지를 털었어.HOW THOUGHTUL OF YOU!얼마나 사려깊은지.But then after a few days, right when YOU forget you're in trouble, that's when she lays it on you.하지만 며칠 후, 내가 받을 벌이 있다는 사실을 잊을 때쯤 엄마는 대놓고 말한다. ARE YOU HAVING FUN?재밌니?NO ..

(p.39)when it comes to punishment

Usually, if you mess up in front of Dad, he just throws whatever he's got in his hands at you.보통, 아빠 앞에서 잘못을 하면, 아빠는 손에 잡히는 아무거나 그냥 던져버린다. GOOD TIME TO SCREW UP.일을 망칠 좋은 시간BAD TIME TO SCREW UP.일을 망칠 나쁜 시간.Mom has a TOTALLY different style when it comes to punishment. 벌을 주는 데 있어서 엄마는 완전히 다른 스타일이다.If you mess up and Mom catches you, the first thing she does is to take a few days to figure out what..