2025/01/23 3

(p.54)we were gonna need to get the word out that we were doing this thing

Here was our final plan:여기 우리의 최종 계획이 있다.I don't mean to brag or anything, but what we came up with was WAY better than the Crossland High School haunted house.내가 자랑하거나 그런 건 아니지만, 우리가 만든 것이 크로스랜드 고등학교 유령의 집보다 더 훨씬 좋다는 것이다. We realized we were gonna need to get the word out that we were doing this thing, so we got some paper and made up a bunch of flyers.우리가 유령의 집 문을 연다는 소문을 널리 퍼뜨릴 필요가 있다는 것을 깨달았..

(p.53)coming up with an awesome plan for our haunted house.

Mom made the chainsaw guy show us where the exit was, and that was the end of our haunted-house experience right there.엄마는 전기톱 남자한테 출구를 보여주게 만들고, 그것이 우리의 유령의 집 경험의 끝이었다. I guess it was a little embarrassing when Mom did that, but I'm willing to let it go this one time.엄마가 그랬을 때 좀 창피했지만, 이번 한 번은 기꺼이 그냥 하시게 두었다.Saturday토요일The Crossland haunted house really got me thinking. 크로스랜드 유령의 집으로 나는 많은 생각을..

(p.52)Mom stepped in and bailed us out.

But the worst part was this area called Chainsaw Alley. 그러나 가장 최악인 부분은 '전기톱 골목'이라고 부리는 곳이다.There was this big guy in a hockey mask and he had a REAL shainsaw. 하키 마스크를 쓴 덩치 큰 남자가 있었는데, 그는 진짜 전기톱을 가지고 있었다.Rodrick told me the chainsaw has a rubber blade, but I wasn't taking any chances.로드릭이 전기톱이 고무칼날이라고 했지만, 나는 어떤 위험을 감수하고 싶지는 않았다.Right when it looked like the chainsaw guy was going to catch us, Mo..