2024/12/31 8

(p.35)Rowley started blubberinig

But I think she had the wrong idea about what we were doing back there. 그런데 선생님은 우리가 거기서 하고 있던 게임을 오해하고 있는 것 같았다.She started telling us how rock and roll is "evil" and how it's going to ruin our brains.크레이그 선생님은 락앤롤이 얼마나 사악한지, 우리의 뇌를 어떻게 망치는지 말하기 시작했다.I was going to tell her that there weren't even any batteries in the CD player, but I could tell she didn't want to be interrupted. 나는 시디플레이어에 배터..

(p.34)Mrs Craig came around the corner and caught us red-handed.

The winner was whoever could shake the headphones off in the shortest amount of time.승자는 가장 짧은 시간안에 헤드폰을 흔들어서 떼어내는 사람이다.I had the record with seven and a half seconds, but I think I might have shook some of my fillings loose with that one.나는 7.5초의 기록을 세웠지만, 그로인해 내 치아 충전제 흔들려서 느슨하게 되었을지도 모른다.Right in the middle of our game, Mrs Craig came around the corner and caught us red-handed. 게임이 한창 진행중 일 때..

(p.33)Then I came up with this great idea for a game.

Then I went down to Rodrick's room and took CD off his rack.그 다음 나는 로드릭의 방으로 가서 그 CD를 선반에서 챙겼다.You're not allowed to bring personal music players to school, so we had to wait to use it until after lunch when the teachers let us outside. 학교에 개인 음악을 듣는 플레이어를 가져올 수 없게 되어 있어서, 우리는 점심식사 후에 선생님들이 밖으로 나가라고 할 때까지 기다려야 했다.As soon as we got the chance, me and Rowley snuck around the back of the school and..

(p.32)That really bugged Rodrick.

That really bugged Rodrick, so he drove off to the store and came back fifteen minutes later with some headphones. 그게 진짜 로드릭을 괴롭혔다. 그래서 형은 차를 몰고 가게에서 가서 15분 후에 헤드폰을 사가지고 돌아왔다. And that pretty much took care of the problem.그렇게 문제는 해결되었다.Thursday목요일Yesterday Rodrick got a new heavy metal CD, and it had one of those "Parental Warning" stickers on it.어제 로드릭이 새로운 헤비메탈 CD 가져왔는데, '보호자 지도 필요' 스티커가 붙어있었다..

(p.31)I don't think Mom really cares what Rodrick plays or listens to.

I think Mom has this idea that we're all going to learn to play instruments and then become one of those family bands like you see on TV.엄마는 우리 가족 모두 악기를 배워서, 텔레비젼에 나오는 가족밴드처럼 되길 바라는 것 같다.Dad really hates heavy metal, and that's the kind of music Rodrick and his band play. 아빠는 헤비메탈을 진짜로 싫어하는데, 그게 바로 로드릭과 그의 밴드가 연주하는 음악이다. I don't think Mom really cares what Rodrick plays or listens to, because t..

(p.30)Dad was against the idea of Rodrick starting a band, but Mom was all for i

Rodrick's band is REALLY awful, and I can't stand being home when they're having rehearsals.로드릭형 밴드의 연주는 진짜로 끔찍하다. 그래서 형들이 연습할 때는 집엣 차마 있을 수가 없다. His band is called "Loaded Diaper", only it's spelled "Loded Diper" on Rodrick's van.형의 밴드는 "Loaded Diaper"인데, 형의 밴 자동차에는 "Loded Diper"라고 쓰여있다.You might think he spelled it that way to make it look cooler, but I bet if you told Rodrick how "Loaded Diap..

(p.29)I don't think the teachers have really caught on yet.

Fregley is in my Phys Ed class at school, and he has this whole made-up language. 프레글리는 나하고 같이 체육수업을 하는데, 자기 맘대로 언어를 만들어 쓴다.Like when he needs to go to bathrooom, he says - "JUICE! JUUUICE!!!"예를 들어 화장실에 가고 싶을 때면, 프레글리는 이렇게 말한다.Us kids have pretty much figured Fregley out by now, but I don't think the teachers have really caught on yet.이제 아이들은 프레글리의 말을 많이 알아듣게 되었다. 하지만 선생님은 아직도 파악하지 못한 것 같다. Toda..

(p.28)Fregley is always hanging out in his front yard.

But my trick kind of backfired, because as soon as Mom saw me, she made me go upstairs and take a shower.그러나 나의 속임수는 역효과였는지, 엄마가 나를 보자마자 윗층으로 올라가서 샤워하라고 시켰다.Wednesday수요일I guess Dad must have been pretty happy with himself for making me go outside yesterday, he did it again today.아빠는 어제 나를 밖으로 나가에 한 것이 꽤 좋았는지 오늘도 밖으로 내보내셨다.It's getting really annoying to have to go up to Rowley's every time I wan..