2025/03/06 5

(p.138)when it came to actually writing them, my mind went blank.

I thought I could just crank out my thank-you cards in a half hour, but when it came to actually writing them, my mind went blank.난 감사카드를 한 30분이면 기계적으로 쓸 수 있다고 생각했지만, 실제 30분 안에 감사카드를 쓰려고 하니, 머리 속이 하얘졌다.Let me tell you, it's not easy writing thank-you notes for stuff you didn't want in the first place.근데 있잖아, 애초에 내가 받고 싶지 않은 선물에 감사 카드를 쓰는 것은 쉽지 않았다.I started with the non-clothes items, because I ..

(p.137)Rowley kept asking to switch places

Rowley kept asking to switch places and have me be the one who rides the Big Wheel, but I'm no fool. 라일리는 계속 자리를 바꿔서 내가 자전거를 타라고 요구했지만, 난 바보가 아니다.That thing was hitting thirty-five miles an hour, and it didn't have any brakes.그 자전거는 시속 35파일(56kmm 정도) 속도인데 어떤 브레이크도 없다.Anyway, I never did knock Rowley off the Big Wheel today. 어쨌든, 난 오늘 세발 자전거에서 라일리를 맞혀서 넘어뜨리지는 못했다.But I guess I have something to w..

(p.135)Manny took a while to look over the things on the plate.

Manny took a while to look over the things on the plate.매니는 접시에 있는 것들을 한동안 살펴봤다.Then he walked over to the refrigerator and pulled out an orange.그리고는 그는 냉장고로 걸어가서 오렌지 하나를 꺼냈다.So that's why I got sent to bed at 7:00 and I'm not downstairs watching the New Year's Eve special on TV.그래서 나는 7시에 잠자리에 보내졌고, 아래층에서 새해 전날 특집 방송도 못봤다.And that's also why my only New Year's resolution is to never play with M..

(p.134)Manny completely lost his mind.

Well, Manny completely lost his mind. 글쎄, 매니는 완전히 제정신이 아니었다. He ran upstairs to where Mom was, and I knew I was in big trouble.그는 엄마가 있는 위층으로 달려 갔고, 난 아주 큰일났다는 걸 알았다.Manny told Mom I made him eat a spider. 매니는 내가 그에게 거미를 먹였다고 말했다.I told her there was no spider, and that it was just a tiny ball of thread.난 거미는 없었고, 그냥 작은 실뭉치였다고 말했다.Mom brought Manny over to the kitchen table. 엄마는 매니를 식탁으로 데려갔다.Th..

(p.133)let me fill you in.

New Year's EveIn case you're wondering what I'm doing in my room at 9:00 pm on New Year's Eve, let me fill you in.내가 새해 전날밤 9시에 내 방에서 뭘 하고 있는지 궁금하다면, 내가 자세히 말해줄게.Earlier today, me and Manny were horsing around in the basement. 아까 나는 매니와 지하실에서 장난치며 놀고 있었다.I found a tiny black ball of thread on the carpet, and I told Manny it was a spider.나는 카페트에서 조그만 검은 실뭉치 하나를 발견했는데, 그게 거미라고 매니한테 말했다.Then I held..