2025/03/02 3

(p.124)I didn't do a good job of hiding my disappointment

But it was just an 8 x 10 picture of Uncle Charlie.그런데 그건 8 x 10 크기의 찰리 삼촌 사진이었다.I guess I didn't do a good job of hiding my disappointment, and Mom got mad. 난 나의 실망을 숨기는 데 솜시가 없는 것 같았고, 엄마는 화가 나셨다.All I can say is, I'm glad I'm still a kid, becuase if I had to act happy about the kinds of gifts grown-ups get, I don't think I could pull if off.내가 할 수 있는 말은 내가 아직 아이라 기쁘다는 것이다. 왜냐하면 만약 내가 어른들처럼 선물..

(p.123)Uncle Charlie came throgh for me.

The rest of the relatives started showing up around 11:00, and Uncle Charlie came at noon.오전 11시쯤 나머지 친척들이 나타나기 시작했고, 찰리 삼촌은 12시에 왔다.Uncle Charlie brought a big trash bag full of gifts, and he pulled my present out of the top of the bag.찰리 삼촌은 선물로 가득 찬 큰 쓰레기봉투를 가지고 왔고, 나의 선물을 봉투 제일 위에서 꺼냈다.The package was the exact right size and shape to be a Twisted Wizard game, so I knew Uncle Charlie came th..

(p.122)parents eat that stuff up.

I gave Manny a toy helicopter and I gave Rodrick a book about rock bands.나는 매니에게 장난감 헬리콥터를 주었고, 로드릭에게는 락백드에 관한 책을 주었다. Rodrick gave me a book, too, but of course he didn't wrap it. 로드릭도 나에게 책을 주었지만 당연히 포장은 하지 않았다.The book he got me was"Best of L'il Cutie.".로드릭이 나한테 준 책은 "Best of L'il Cutie"였다. "L'il Cutie" is the worst comic in the newspaper, and Rodrick knows how much I hate it. 'L'il Cutie'는 신..